The Ohio Kids

Monday, November 06, 2006

its about time

that i updated this blog. its been awhile. We haven't even been that busy, I'm just a procrastinator. But there are definitely new things to report, so here we go. First: Laurel is now 23 after celebrating her birthday last week sunday. We tried to celebrate all weekend long. I made her a layered chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting (and burned the back of my hand taking out of the oven) and i made pancakes and monkey bread, and we went out pizza. Bowling Green has 11 independently owned pizza places, so our choices were plentiful. BUt we went to Myles, which we had been to before, and is becoming our favorite pizza place. you have to be really hungry if you go there. They pile toppings literally 2 inches high.
anyway, we also went to a play in toledo called "The Death of Little Ibsen." Its a pretty new puppet show, and we both enjoyed it quite a bit. And we spent sunday afternoon at a friend from church's house in toledo.
last week was uneventful, just routine, laurel worked some overtime, and she might get some more overtime this week, which should be helpful.
BGSU's annual opera performance was this past weekend, so we went to that. It was all right, but i still don't really like opera.
we hope you are all well, some visit sometime.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Puppets, pizza, and opera. Sounds great. I'd love to some visit.


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