The Ohio Kids

Sunday, July 22, 2007

hello, everyone, hope you are well. We certainly are. The weather here has been unbelievably nice, and we have been spending most of our evenings out of doors, going to parks and taking nice long walks with Lola. Summer is winding down fast and soon we will both be in school.

here's some pictures to enjoy:
Our apartment's new paintjob

Aaron and Renee visiting
A picture of me in the play Ice Wolf
And Tiger being his crazy self.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007


Where's Isaac???

There He is!!!

Enjoy the Pictures

Monday, March 26, 2007

another year down

It was my birthday yesterday, so thanks to all who called, emailed, wrote, tried to call, etc... I enjoyed it greatly. We were in Holland MI for the weekend visiting friends again, this time Ross, Amy, Justine, Jon S., and Marcus. We grilled a few times because the weather was gorgeous, played music at Marcus' church sunday morning, and generally had a good time. But now its back to work, back to school.
Laurel found out she has been officially accepted to BGSU's MA Theatre program and has been awarded a full assistantship. She is ecstatic. Her days at Franscesca's are now numbered. And with me also getting a full assistantship for next year, we'l actually be making about the same if not more money than we are now. pretty cool.
Hope everyone is enjoying the great weather.
Ethan and Laurel

Monday, March 12, 2007

back in ohio

It has been a while since we updated, so here it goes. we have been vvveeeeeerrrryyyyy busy the last month or more. I have a rather larger school work load this semester, plus i was in a play here at bgsu called Ice Wolf. When i get some pictures of it, i will post them. Laurel has started working not two, but three jobs. In addition to Franscesca's, she is now helping out at flower shop in waterville and tutoring her boss's 14 year old daughter who has ADHD. The other two jobs havne't been too time consuming thus far, but we are both pretty exhausted lately. Most recently, i was able to spend SPRING BREAK in sioux center visting old friends, staying with Laurel's parents and spending the afternoon with my parents who came up from lincoln. It was a great trip. I am glad to be back in ohio, though. I missed my wife.
hope you are all well, i promise to post some more pictures soon

Monday, January 22, 2007

what we've been up to

Monday, January 08, 2007

back to school

class has resumed once again, but i have been at work all morning and am now rather tired. Break was very good, especially travelling and getting to see everyone. We had very good travels and a wonderful time spent with family and friends. I didn't do much over the break, which was nice, but i wish i could have got more stuff done, reading and the like.
i guess the big news would be that we are adopting a dog. unfortunately, the camera hasn't come yet, so we can't take pictures of her, but we will soon. She has tapeworms, so we can't officially adopt her yet, but once those clear up, she is all ours. Her name is Lola, and she is a hound/doberman/sheperd mix. she's about 1 or 2 yrs old so she is already fully grown.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

one semester down

I am officially done with my first semester of my masters. Whew! actually, it wasn't too bad. Lots of reading, but not all that much writing. Next semester will be much harder, though. I'm taking a PhD level course on 20th century directing and staging theory. we have to get 12 books just for that course alone. The good news is that I got a full assistanship from the theatre department for next year!

Laurel has sent in her application for the Masters program at BGSU, so if she gets in and gets a full assistantship, we will be earning more as students per month than we make with laurel working full time right now. Ironic, isn't it.

In a few more days we will leave for iowa. It will be good to see the old stomping grounds again, and spend time with friends and family. we hope to see you all in a few days.

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