The Ohio Kids

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

here comes the cold

hope this finds everyone well. things are going well here. Laurel is starting to get more hours, and is due for a raise and promotion very soon. Things have been picking up for in class, lots more work, and lots more reading. I've been doing a lot of that lately. I'm also trying to come up with some good ideas for a thesis topic.
yesterday it decided to get cold here, so we've shut the windows and got out the blankets. ww haven't had to run the furnace yet, we're hoping our landlord's heat will seep up and keep us warm.
not much else new. Tiger is getting bigger. and naughtier.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

happy labor day

hope everyone had a good labor day weekend. We had a lovely one, we went to holland michigan to visit marcus roskamp and dan and lydia michel, friends from dordt. It was very enjoyable and good to see those kids again. It was nice to have a day off from school, but now things are started to get harder.
good news though: Laurel got a job! She will be working full time (but no benefits) for Francesca's which is apparantly an up scale boutique with clothes and jewelry and the like. She is very excited about it. Its only 10 miles down the road from our house, just south of perrysburg, OH. she starts on friday.
School is good. Not too hard yet, but getting there.
Tiger has about doubled in size since we got him, he is clearly going to be a large cat. He's only about 5 months old, but already is bigger than some year old cats we saw at the shelter. He sleeps more now, but he is still mischevious, and gets into a lot of trouble. We're hoping he calms down a lot when we get him fixed. Which will happen quite soon. hopefully.
the weather here is turning very nice, we've had a lot of rain, and it is cooling down, though still definitely summer.